Water supply to most parts of the City is being maintained by the State P.H.E.D However, B.M.C is providing water supply to certain fringe areas of the city mostly at the outskirts through production well. At present about 220 ML of water is being supplied to the City daily through piped water supply system by PHED after inclusion of some village areas in the Corporation limits, there is an urgent need for providing piped water supply to tube-wells in the Corporations area, which are maintained by PHED.
B.M.C has deposited a sum of Rs. 66.92 Lakhs with State P.H.E,.D to provide 94 nos. of hand pump tube well in Water Supply un-covered areas. Further a sum of Rs. 10.00 lakhs has been deposited during 2004-2005 with State P.H.E.D to take up repair of out-of-order tube wells to bring them back to running condition. During 2009-2010, B.M.C has also deposit a sum of Rs. 15.00 lakhs with P.H.E.D for repair of hand pump tube-well.
B.M.C has decided to provide funds to P.H.E.D to extended pipe lines in some other un-covered/Water scarcity pockets. In above context a sum of Rs. 2.30 Crore has since been deposited for water supply to Bharatpur area. Similarly deposits are being made with P.H.E.D to provide water supply stand posts in different uncovered area and during 2009-10, BMC has deposited 10.00 lakhs for construction of stand posts.