A marriage which has already been solemnized can be registered either under the Hindu Marriage Act, 1955 or under the Special Marriage Act, 1954. The Hindu Marriage Act is applicable in cases where both husband and wife are Hindus, Buddhists, Joins or Sikhs or where they have converted into any of these religions. Where either of the husband or wife or both are not Hindus, Buddhists, Joins or Sikhs the marriage is registered under the Special Marriage Act, 1954.
Upon clicking at 'Apply Marriage Certificate' option, citizen will be provided with an electronic Marriage Registration Form where in Citizens are required to fill-upfill-up bride and groom particulars in the boxes provided for against the respective titles.
Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation,
Deputy Commissioner Office
Vivekananda Marg,
Gautam Nagar,
Bhubaneswar-14, Orissa
Phone -0674-2431547
Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation is issuing Birth and Death Certificates for the inhabitants of the City. City Health Officer who has been declared as the Registrar, Birth and Death for the Bhubaneswar City has been issuing such certificates on application within 24 hours after depositing the government fees in shape of treasury challan.
Year | Birth | Death | Total | |
2002 | 13478 | 2727 | 16205 | |
2003 | 13905 | 2628 | 16533 | |
2004 | 16297 | 3031 | 19328 | |
2005 | 11831 | 1779 | 13610 | |
2006 | 9926 | 4439 | 14365 | |
2007 | 10392 | 4983 | 15375 | |
2008 | 10165 | 1637 | 11802 | |
2009 | 19451 | 4556 | 24007 | |
2010 Upto 20/11/10 | 19377 | 4421 | 23798 | |
The birth certificate is the most important identity document for an individual which is most useful to proof the date as well a place of birth.
The necessity for a birth certificate arises to avail benefits from a gamut of services offered by the government to its citizens. We require the birth certificate to avail the following facilities:
In India it is mandatory under the Law (as per the Registration of Births and Deaths Act, 1969), to register every birth with the concerned State/UT within 21 days of its occurrence. The government accordingly has provided a very structured system for registration of birth, with the Registrar General at the Centre and Chief Registrars in the states, running through district registrars to the village and town registrars at the periphery.
Any individual who is the citizen or NRI born in the state are eligible for availing the birth certificate. The birth certificate is issued to the parents in favour of child on the basis of application and specific amount deposited with application form to the concerned authority.
There is a defined process to obtain the Birth certificate in Orissa. Normally, head of the house or nearest relative of the head of the house or oldest person in the family in case the event is occurring in the house is to inform the concerned authority about birth. Medical officer in-charge or any other officer authorized by him, in case of institutional event.
After delivery of the child in case of institutions i.e. hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, etc. the authorities have to register the birth reports to the registrar of birth and death of the concerned jurisdictions.
In case of domiciliary births the household is entitled to submit the reports to the concerned authority for registering the birth event.
In case the birth occurs in the jail, it is to be informing the concerned jailer.
If the birth occurs in hostel, dharmasala, boarding house, lodging house etc. the event is to be informing the concerned person-in-charge.
In case the birth occurs in moving vehicle, the person-in-charge of the vehicle is to be informing about the birth.
The required form can be available from Municipal Corporations / Municipalities / NACs / Other concerned local authority and it can be downloading by the applicant in some cases.
To view your birth registration report under Bhubaneswar Municipal Corporation (BMC) Click here.
To download birth application form of BMC Click here.
City health Office,
Kharavel Nagar, Bhubaneswar